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Give a Meal. Change a Life.

Food isn't everything, but it is the foundation.​ Each $2.02 provides a complete meal for one person!

At Redwood Gospel Missions,
Food is How We Share God's Love.


By the time someone comes to us, they are desperate. They need food but not just any food. They need healthy, nourishing food.


Then, and only then, can their bodies and minds begin to heal. Then, and only then, can they really see clearly. Then, and only then, can they begin to take steps to change their lives.

Every meal makes a difference!


No More Hungry Christmases

Each $2.02 meal you give can save and change a life!

The worst Christmas of Tammy’s life happened when she was just 12 years old. 


“I was in foster care and everybody’s family came and picked them up, but not mine because my mom was a heroin addict. The foster mother had other plans. And so, I remember I spent Christmas on a hill in the trees, in the snow, behind a hospital all by myself.” 


That same year she left the foster house and ended up hungry, addicted and alone on the streets. For most of the next 30 years she battled addition and homelessness.  When she had kids, they were on the streets with her. 


“I was doing whatever it took to try to take care of them and try to take care of myself. It was a nightmare. A literal nightmare. A repeated nightmare stuck on loop,” she says. 


Thankfully, someone told Tammy about the Mission. Having a roof over their heads and hot meals every day made an instant difference. 


“From there, God worked in my life in amazing ways, and my children, they got to witness miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle,” she says. 


Those miracles including Tammy and her children giving their lives to Jesus! 


Six years later, Tammy is still clean and sober, she and her kids live in a home of their own and all three of them are thriving!


“I’m so grateful. One of the most crucial moments in my process was coming to the Mission,” Tammy says. “It changed my whole life, changed the direction of my life, my faith and my family.” – Tammy

“I am the living bread that came down from heaven.
Whoever eats this bread will live forever.
This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”

–Jesus (John 6:51, NIV)

Give Meals


Each $2.02 you give now helps feed one person.

Every meal you give can demonstrate God’s love, spark hope

and help someone take steps to change their life.


Together, we can feed 4,000 of our neighbors in need!

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Tom Schwedhelm

Former Mayor of Santa Rosa


“The Redwood Gospel Missions continue to add significant value in our community. One of their greatest contributions to those they serve is the offering of hope. Hope for a better life, which is a benefit to all of us.”

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