Great Thanksgiving Banquet
Ukiah 2024
First Presbyterian Church
514 W Church St., Ukiah
Monday, November 25, 2024
4 pm - 6 pm
In partnership with Ukiah Churches, Redwood Gospel Mission Ukiah's Great Thanksgiving Banquet will be hosted at the First Presbyterian Church. We will have a warm Thanksgiving meal for everyone to enjoy, haircuts, activities, community resources, coat distribution, and a Chapel Service with a Gospel Message.
To sign up, please sign in or complete a volunteer application.
Opportunities are now open and close on November 22nd.
Existing Volunteer - Forgot password? Contact Tina Karns: 707-578-1830 X 314 or
Want to view opportunities without signing in?
Click here to view a list of Great Thanksgiving Banquet in Ukiah Opportunities.
If you are planning on volunteering with someone under 18 years old, please don't complete an application for them. Please contact Tina Karns at 707-578-1830 X 314 or
Host a pie or coat drive:
Coats will be given out to our guests at this event.
Let us know you are hosting a drive. Contact Karla Brown; or 707-234-8750
Pie and Coat Drop-off:
Redwood Gospel Mission Ukiah, 150 Luce Ave., Ukiah
Hours and Times: 7am -12pm, Monday - Friday.
Click here or the image below for a flyer.
This event is open to the public to attend.