Some people might be skeptical that a $2.02 meal can change a life, but it really can.
When you are sleeping on the streets, haven’t had a hot meal in days and expect people to glare at you instead of smile, a meal cooked with love and served with compassion is a priceless gift.
“I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”
–Jesus (John 6:51, NIV)
A Season of Firsts
When the toxic relationship Jessica was in ended, instead of feeling less pain, she felt even more, turning to drugs and alcohol to try to cope.
“I was completely broken, completely lost, pretty much did not want to live . . . I found Redwood Gospel Mission. . . I just saw hope for the first time ever in my life.”
And when the meal was served, she was blown away. “To have this beautiful meal for the first time of not having that coming into that was very welcoming . . . I felt safe for the first time in a long time.”
Jessica enrolled in our New Life Recovery Program, learned what healthy relationships look like and was given tools to overcome her addiction. Most importantly, she began really following Jesus.
“To have joy, and happiness and peace. That’s exactly what the holiday felt like.”
Today, Jessica spends her time reaching out to help other women who are in the situation she used to be in.
“My life before the Mission was insanity. It was hopelessness. But today, I have hope, I have faith and I have Jesus,” she says.
Each $2.02 you give helps feed one person.
Just one meal can demonstrate God’s love,
spark hope and help someone want to change their life.
we can feed our
neighbors in need!
Tom Schwedhelm | Former Mayor of Santa Rosa
“The Redwood Gospel Mission continues to add significant value in our community. One of their greatest contributions to those they serve is the offering of hope. Hope for a better life, which is a benefit to all of us.”